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I’ve never understood why people wait until New Year’s Eve to set some goals, or to make some positive changes in their life. To me that is simply procrastination! Why wait to do something positive in your life….yesterday is gone, tomorrow isn’t promised to anyone, so why not today?

As a medical aesthetic consultant at Rejuva Medispa & Laser, I see many people who have waited a long time to address something that bothers them. Often I find it’s because they are reluctant to spend money on themselves, or they put everyone else’s needs before their own. I am very passionate about educating people to take action. When we feel better about ourselves, we actually have more to offer to others because we are happier.

I see it all the time, men and women who are so thrilled they finally made the decision to improve something that bothers them. Nine out of ten times they say, “Why didn’t I do this a long time ago?!”

We all have different wants and needs….what bothers one person may not bother another, but we must understand that it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks, only ourselves! Plus, we are in charge of our own destiny, and putting things off, or brushing them under the carpet, will only accentuate negative feelings.

One of my favorite quotes is, “If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you already got.” When I first heard this quote, it was like a whole pack of light bulbs lit up! Once we ‘get it’, we have the awareness to make the changes we have always wanted to do, and we don’t feel the need to hold back anymore. It really is exhilarating!

Our skin and our health need to be nurtured and cared for. When our clothes, shoes purses, etc., get old, we can buy new ones, but we can’t buy new health or a new face. This is important advice because the sooner we address it, the easier it is to achieve our desired results!

From many years of experience in the health and beauty field I know…. it’s not all about looking more attractive, it’s more about feeling better. I’m 56 and feel better, and more confident than I ever have!

All the best,

Kim Gemmell

Medical Aesthetic Consultant

Rejuva Medispa & Laser


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